Monday, October 11, 2010

Re-thinking jpg compression

Mention the term jpg and in some quarters you can hear the disapproval down the phone line. Why? As all too many people know jpg compression ruins photos.
I will accept that if you want the maximum, in terms of available data, then a TIFF file is better. However we charge more to scan to a TIFF, reflecting the time taken, impact on data storage costs, number of DVDs we burn and the time that takes too. But ask yourself, is it really necessary? Will you really edit your photos
that much?
The received wisdom against jpg goes back a long way, IT is a fast moving field. A slide scanned today into a jpg file can’t be compared to one made 5, 10 or 15 years ago. Today’s jpgs are much better than their critics believe, if you doubt it give it a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

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