Friday, March 30, 2012

35mm Slide & Negative Scanning - New Price for Professional Service

Today we are dropping our prices for the Professional Service scanning 35mm slides and negatives, the old price was £1-30 and today we're dropping the price to just 95p. OK, why?

Originally there were two differences between Home and Professional - the dpi level (originally 2000 dpi and 4000 dpi) and file format (jpg & TIFF). Then we decided to scan everything at 4000 dpi because the quality difference is staggering and we don't want to ship sub-standard products. That left just the file format as the difference.

In the last few months more people have been asking about the Professional level service but frankly they've been put off by the extra 60p we had been charging. So, we've decided to make the bigger files much more affordable. You'll get great quality uncompressed files that you can edit to your hearts content, then save either as TIFF or jpg files. We think an extra few pence for the Professional service is definitely worthwhile. We look forward to doing even more Professional scans from your 35mm slides and negatives.

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