Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Slide / Negative Scanner Amnesty

It's been busy this week with several enquiries about slide scanning and our Slide Scanner Amnesty.

Yes, the scheme is still in operation and each week we get one or two scanners to add to our junk pile. This week we've got devices from Plustek and Agfa, one of my particular hates. Although this is simply a unit badged up for Agfa it is built on a singularly tacky camera unit and a very poor light source. It's a marriage made in hell and Agfa should have known better. Anyway we're able to rescue a couple of people from rather poor purchasing experiences.

I'm not sure how much longer we'll continue with the Amnesty. It has been very popular and generates much publicity for us, along with a steady stream of calls saying are you still doing this? Yes, and we will do for the coming weeks. Probably.

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